The Growth of Funston

The Growth of Funston

If you live in the South Central Neighborhood, you have probably noticed that things are happening on the once vacant lot at the corner Broadway and Funston street. You saw the piles of cardboard stacked, then mounds of mulch deposited, you’ve seen middle school students raking the mulch, and now there are large structures of logs, branches, twigs, and more mulch. So what the heck is going on?

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A driveway into my house or into my neighborhood home?

A driveway into my house or into my neighborhood home?

When I first encountered the idea of ‘neighboring’ from the neighboring movement, I was sitting firmly on a hard metal chair pulled up to a round table. While the floor beneath my feet was solid, my world began to shift and tip off-balance. In my suddenly disoriented state, I could have slipped right off that chair if it wasn’t for the coffee I was clutching and desperately wanting to finish.

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Neighboring is Hard: Free to Fail Edition

We've committed to sharing the joys and the struggles of trying to systematically increase neighboring in a community. The research shows that more people want increased neighboring...and...sometimes...the experience, doesn't back up the research.

For instance take today. 

I set out to knock on doors...

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What We Do: Our Identity Markers

What We Do: Our Identity Markers

This is a continuation on the series What We Do.  In these blog post we are taking some of our most important concepts and tracking them through all the way to day to day actions.  Today I am taking on what I call the Identity Markers.  These are three concepts that we have discerned...

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