Finding Abundance (Episode 6 of the podcast)

Our newest episode is hot off the presses, and I’m excited to share it. Adam and I spent a few minutes talking about one of the key ingredients of neighboring: abundance. How do we find abundance, when scarcity is such a dominant message? Listen to find out.

And don’t forget, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, and Stitcher. Enjoy!

My First Day at SoCe Life

My First Day at SoCe Life

Yesterday I started my first day as a paid staff person of SoCe Life. It is a moment I have been working towards for nearly 8 months. Yet, when it finally arrived I couldn't fathom how it would feel. For the most part I spent the day wishing I could get more done than is humanly possible.  We are arranging our new office space, working on furniture projects,...

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What We Do: Our Identity Markers

What We Do: Our Identity Markers

This is a continuation on the series What We Do.  In these blog post we are taking some of our most important concepts and tracking them through all the way to day to day actions.  Today I am taking on what I call the Identity Markers.  These are three concepts that we have discerned...

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