Dapper Cat Community

The Novel Shop Profile Picture.png

Some of you may remember about a year ago when we released a podcast talking about a coffee shop idea in the SoCe neighborhood. I wanted to give you just a small update on how that idea is progressing and what we hope it to look like.

I've lived in the SoCe neighborhood for about 5 years. I've lived on Broadway street for 4 of those. In all of that time I have heard many different opinions of the area I live in. From outsiders I hear things like "Why do you live there?", "That's a terrible area", "That's not safe at all." From people who live in the neighborhood, I hear things like "this place has so much potential", "There are so many gifts in this neighborhood", "People here are hardworking and care about what goes on here."

The fact is that the reason there are so many negative ideas about the neighborhood is because there are not near enough positive things being talked about.


I am hopeful that Dapper Cat Coffee can do two things:

Provide a positive community space and help illuminate other positives in the community such as Brianna's Bakery and her delicious baked goods, Legacy Ministries and their CoffeeWorks program, the Funston Community Garden, and The Neighboring Movement(Just to name a few).

The Dapper Cat still has a ways to go but we are working on figuring out what our space will look like, what permits we need, and what our part to play in the community really looks like. We hope you will come alongside us and help us shed a positive light on a community that is brilliant, but needs some more encouragement to express that brilliance.

For updates and information about the Dapper Cat, check out our Facebook page Dapper Cat Coffee or visit our website in progress at www.dappercatcoffee.com