The Garden Boxes Are Coming!

The Garden Boxes Are Coming!

This summer we were contacted by Pastor Gary Richardson at Westlink Church of Christ. He wanted to partner together to build garden boxes. I was more than happy to partner. Then Gary connected us with a young man named Quentin who was working on his Eagle Scout Project. We decided building garden boxes for the neighborhood would be…

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Garden Box Feedback

These are two garden boxes before they were painted and delivered. 

These are two garden boxes before they were painted and delivered. 

He planted herbs and is caring for them. He also stained the box a dark brown. The plants are growing and if there will be any problem it will be that he over waters instead of neglects them. He has a project that he is taking pride in and that is what matters to me.

This wonderful quote is from a woman who's son is caring for a garden box. The son has physical disabilities, but is clearly enjoying his garden box.