I Hear SoCe is Beautiful This time of Year - Both Inwardly & Outwardly

I sat down to write a blog about the week, thinking I didn't really have anything to share. However, as I reflected on the week, I realized that I have gotten to interact with four neighbors on my block and one SoCe office neighbor. That seems like a good week! And it's only Friday!

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Delivering Garden Boxes

Yesterday afternoon, we delivered 4 garden boxes in SoCe. It was great to re-connect with the neighbors who had requested these boxes in late March/early April. One of the neighbors plans to grow herbs and peppers in his box. The couple across the street have such faith in us that they have been nurturing a pepper plant, some sage, and 2 tomato plants in containers in their front yard, so that they would have plants ready for the box! Their neighbor also received a box, adorned with owls. When she saw the mural, she exclaimed,...

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First Little Free Library Patron

On Thursday afternoon we had our first visitor to our Little Free Library. We looked out the office window and saw a woman with a stroller checking out our book collection. I went out to meet her. She said she was selecting books for the sleeping child in the stroller - maybe her granddaughter. She offered that she had some books...

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Final Friday Open House Reflection!

It was awesome! On Friday, August 26, SoCe Life hosted our first ever Final Friday event. We had photography on display by one of our neighbors: Brian Gray (you can find him on facebook here). We had snacks provided by friends and neighbors. And we had live music by Brutal Bear! 
It was awesome! On Friday, August 26, SoCe Life hosted our first ever Final Friday event. We had photography on display by one of our neighbors: Brian Gray (you can find him on facebook here). We had snacks provided by friends and neighbors. And we had live music by Brutal Bear! 

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