Second Generation Garden Boxes

We have had several requests for garden boxes this year. I had asked a neighbor if he might be able to procure some pallets for us; however, he offered us fence panels instead. We decided to experiment with them.  The boxes turned out well.

We have a new neighbor, Larry (not his real name), who is a skilled carpenter, so we enlisted his expertise. Yesterday Mark and I worked with him to create two new garden boxes. Mark and I enjoyed working under Larry's supervision. He brought all the necessary tools and let us try each task. He even trusted us to hammer nails while his fingers were close by. A few times he even pretended that we had smashed his finger - fortunately that never actually happened!

Larry sawing a fence panel

Larry sawing a fence panel

Larry instructing Mark on the use of his nail gun

Larry instructing Mark on the use of his nail gun

The new generation of SoCe front-yard garden boxes

The new generation of SoCe front-yard garden boxes