Great afternoon with East Heights UMC youth

On Wednesday afternoon we were joined by youth from East Heights UMC in Wichita. They were an energetic bunch; having spent the morning helping with VBS at their church, they then came to SoCe to learn about Asset-Based Community Development and to help with garden boxes. Despite the heat, they worked diligently painting a reclaimed garden box and dismantling fence panels to prepare for our next round of construction.

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Delivering Garden Boxes

Yesterday afternoon, we delivered 4 garden boxes in SoCe. It was great to re-connect with the neighbors who had requested these boxes in late March/early April. One of the neighbors plans to grow herbs and peppers in his box. The couple across the street have such faith in us that they have been nurturing a pepper plant, some sage, and 2 tomato plants in containers in their front yard, so that they would have plants ready for the box! Their neighbor also received a box, adorned with owls. When she saw the mural, she exclaimed,...

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SoCe Life Celebrates Earth Day!


We'll have a table at Reverie Coffee this Saturday, April 22nd from 1PM-4PM as they celebrate Earth Day by bringing together folks who cultivate sustainability and community. We'll have a garden box there for people to see along with reusable bags and information about the Neighboring Movement. 

The event is in front of Reverie (2611 E Douglas Ave, Wichita). Other groups coming include Firefly Farm Produce,  Honey Butter Blooms, and more! 

*ALL DAY 4/22* purchase a reusable mug such as a fabulous KeepCup, Reverie mug, WE ARE WICHITA mug, or Unemployed Philosopher's mug, and receive one FREE batch brew coffee! If you haven't had Reverie Coffee, take my word for it--it is totally worth it! 

Garden Boxes: the next step

As you know, with the help of wonderful volunteers from inside and outside SoCe, we built and painted 6 garden boxes on March 11. Then we painted "SoCe Life" on the sides of each box. Once the painting process was complete, it was time to prepare the boxes for delivery. We lined each box with thick weed barrier fabric generously donated by...

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