Another Craft Day

At our April SoCe craft day, we learned how to make pictures by melting wax crayons onto a canvas. Eight of us enjoyed getting together and creating a piece of decor to take home. Danielle, a student from Friends University, showed us the basics and inspired us with her own melted wax picture as well as online examples. There were several highlights of the day. One was when a neighbor said to another, “Here, let me help you. Your hands are a little shaky. I can put glue on the crayons for you.” Isn’t that what neighbors are for?

Another amazing experience was when a neighbor called to see if she could bring a friend who  suffers from Alzheimer's. It was wonderful to watch them work together and to listen to their conversation. The neighbor who had called me was so patient and encouraging. We talked about what it’s like to feel like you are losing your mind and living in a different reality. Meanwhile a beautiful array of colors was selected and arranged on the canvas as we learned about what it’s like to live with Alzheimer’s.