Visit to Jehovah's Grill

Two Fridays ago had the opportunity to learn about a new ministry connected with our neighborhood. When Mark and I were doing interviews the week before, we were invited to meet the guys at the Jeremiah House. One of the residents of the house gave us a flyer about a place called Jehovah’s Grill and Coffee House and told us to check it out. So we did!

Jehovah’s Grill is a restaurant and banquet hall which provides employment for the men and women in the Working Men of Christ Ministry. The restaurant is much more than a place to go for great food - it is a safe space in which people recovering from incarceration can connect with others and can offer their gifts, talents, and compassion for the betterment of the community. The overall mission of Working Men of Christ Ministry is to assist people during and after incarceration “to practice becoming faithful doers of God’s Word through a Bible Correspondence Incentive Course.  As they obey the Word and learn what caused their incarceration and what to do while incarcerated they will find true freedom…”

We are looking forward to getting to know the men at Jeremiah House and hope to be able to share meals with them and work alongside them on projects in SoCe.