SoCe craft gathering #3

Last Saturday we had our third craft gathering. This time, Ashley led us in making an Easter tree to use as a centerpiece. A few of our friends were not able to come because of illness or bedbugs; however, we enjoyed our time together and made plans for an April gathering.

Ashley and Jackie working on their masterpieces!

Ashley and Jackie working on their masterpieces!

Although we certainly enjoy using our creativity and working with our hands, the other great part of getting together is the conversation that happens. We all have our own unique story, yet we offer each other empathy and a new perspective. We also have unique skills and experiences. We learned that Jackie has a background in floral design. We are hoping she will teach us all how to tie the perfect bow!

Trees made as gifts for neighbors who were not able to come and craft  with us.

Trees made as gifts for neighbors who were not able to come and craft  with us.