Project Wichita Listening Event

Project Wichita Listening Event

A few weeks ago SoCe Life had the opportunity to host a listening conversation in partnership with the Wichita Community Foundation and the City of Wichita. The goal was to gather input from folks about the future of Wichita and the Wichita region. We were one of several hosts.

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Welcoming the Newest SoCe Life Employee!

Welcoming the Newest SoCe Life Employee!

I’m excited to be introducing the newest member of our team. Mark is a neighbor on our street and has been hired to work 10 hours a week for SoCe Life. Mark will be paid with money from the Wichita Community Foundation and the Knight Foundation Grant...

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Hang on to your hats! SoCe Life received a grant from the Wichita Community Foundation--yea!!! The grant is part of the Knight Foundation Fund and will make it possible to employ additional "connectors" who can work in the neighborhood to interview neighbors and help make connections. We are SO EXCITED!!!! 

We were one of five non-profits to receive grants. Congratulations to all the other recipients! 

For the full press-release go Here