Welcoming the Newest SoCe Life Employee!

Our friend, neighbor, and all-around good guy: Mark! 

Our friend, neighbor, and all-around good guy: Mark! 

I’m excited to be introducing the newest member of our team. Mark is a neighbor on our street and has been hired to work 10 hours a week for SoCe Life. Mark will be paid with money from the Wichita Community Foundation and the Knight Foundation Grant.


We are excited to have Mark join our team because he is naturally gifted as a connector. Since we’ve known him, he has been great at introducing us to different neighbors and telling us how folks are doing on the street. He helps us feel connected to our street.

A few other cool things about Mark. He actually grew up in SoCe, not only that--he also grew up on Waco St. just a few blocks south of where he lives today. He has lived on the 1100 block of S. Waco for 4 years.

When I asked Mark what he thought of working for SoCe Life (after his first week) he said, “The work is different than the norm, more like a canvasser. But I’m getting good practice at knocking on doors, maybe I’ll go into politics!” (Did I mention Mark has a great sense of humor?)  

When I asked Mark what he would want people on the blog to know about him, he said “I consider myself a good person, with a good heart. Although sometimes too much of a giving heart.” We know this to be true.

Welcome to SoCe Life Mark!