52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 16

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Neighboring Tip of the Week - Wear a mask when out and about in your neighborhood.

Happy last day of May, friends!

This week, we’re thinking about mask wearing. Mask wearing? That’s right, mask wearing. Doing so has many fascinating intersections with neighboring, but we’ll get to that in a bit. Somehow, mask wearing has become incredibly politicized, and we just don’t get it; we believe that wearing a mask, at this point in our global pandemic, is a matter of protecting the lives of our fellow humans and helping stop the spread of the virus - not a political statement. We get it; the masks can be uncomfortable and hot, but they are saving lives! Even just in terms of the economy, wearing a mask will help everything reopen so much sooner! We recently read a fascinating article from one of our local news stations on the effectiveness of masks. In the article, one of our local infectious disease specialists says, “if 80% of the population wore masks like this, or a mask, that we could really open up completely.” Isn’t this astounding?! 

So, our neighboring tip for this week is...Wear a mask when out and about in your neighborhood. And this isn’t a tip we’re encouraging you to experiment with for just this week; starting today, we encourage you to wear a mask anytime you are out and about in your neighborhood and to do so for the indefinite future.

“How is this a neighboring tip?”, one might ask. Well, this is a neighboring tip for so many reasons. When we wear masks, we...

  • Protect our neighbors from possible exposure to coronavirus.

  • Protect ourselves from possible exposure to coronavirus.

  • Help stop the spread of the virus as a whole, which of course, ultimately impacts our neighbors and neighborhoods in so many ways.

  • Help reopen our economies, global and local, which also impact our neighbors and neighborhoods in so many ways.

  • Tell our neighbors that we care about them.

  • All feel solidarity in the midst of this pandemic.

People, let’s wear masks!

Happy mask wearing, and happy neighboring!