What Gappers Do!

Hello people!

As you may know, we’ve given a name to individuals who want to grow and create a new normal when Covid-19 nears an end. We call them gappers, and maybe you’re one too! We’ve been continuing to curate a list of things we think gappers do, and we hope you will think of things to add to it! If you haven’t already, check out our other post, “The Gappers,” to learn more about why we think things should not just go back to the way they were before Covid-19.


Happy Thursday! Rock on! And fill the gaps!

Things we think gappers do:

  • Get to know the neighbors behind the 8 front doors closest to their own.

  • Ask neighbors about their gifts, skills, and passions.

  • Help form associations around the gifts, skills, and passions of neighbors.

  • Help their associations of neighbors take action, not just discuss or complain.

  • Share, borrow, and barter with their neighbors for mutual benefit.

  • Explore their neighborhoods in order to discover the many assets therein.

  • Support local businesses.

  • Share grief with their neighbors and also walk alongside neighbors when they are grieving.

  • Celebrate with their neighbors.

  • Look inside their neighborhoods before looking outside their neighborhoods when addressing issues.

  • Discover what their neighborhood has before determining what their neighborhood needs.

  • Remain informed about the things that are affecting their fellow humans all around the world.

  • Work towards solutions that benefit all - every manner of thing on the planet.

  • Share resources with their neighbors, and all their fellow humans around the globe, so that all can have enough.

  • Learn about where resources come from and how they are made.

  • Seek to produce resources before purchasing them.

  • Re-use or recycle items before purchasing them new.

  • Reduce their possessions.

  • Make changes to their everyday lives in order to address our climate emergency.

  • Seek ways to continually care for the Earth.

  • Advocate for policies that benefit all - every manner of thing on the planet.

  • Learn about the cultures of their fellow humans around the world.

  • Practice holding paradox by pondering different paradoxes.

  • Ask if what they are doing brings them joy.

  • Seek ways to express gratitude for, and celebrate, what has come before.

  • Seek ways to express gratitude for, but also grieve, some of what has come before.

  • Examine their lives for what aspects of “normal” are transforming.

  • Make a commitment to taking part in gapping work, however that looks for them.

  • Dwell in their neighborhood well, regardless of potential time there. 

  • Acknowledge the good in communities different than their own. 

  • Embrace the ebb and flow of change and growth.

  • Nurture relationships, near and far.

  • Forgive.

  • Create and allow the margin needed for ethicality.

  • Seek and appreciate art in diverse forms.

  • Seek to learn when the right times to speak and to listen are.

  • Smile at the people they pass on the pavement.

  • Gracefully invite others to do the same.