8 Front Doors Initiative - Northfield Edition

Last Thursday we began the 8 Front Doors Initiative in the neighborhood around Northfield School of the Liberal Arts near Friends University in Wichita, KS. We have enjoyed working with Northfield students in our own neighborhood. In the fall of 2019, they put in a lot of hard work laying down cardboard and raking many wheelbarrow loads of mulch at the Funston Neighborhood Garden. It was great to return the favor and partner with Northfield in furthering connections with their neighbors.

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Fun @ Funston

Fun @ Funston

Over the last several weeks a delightful group of students from the Northfield School have been coming to help with various projects and to learn about our work in the SoCe Neighborhood. Today was their last day, so we worked at the new neighborhood garden at the corner of Funston and Broadway. Then we went to Brianna’s Bakery for some celebratory pastries.

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