Hi there! For those who I haven’t met yet, I’m Claire Gallegos, the Lead Organizer here at The Neighboring Movement. I work with our Kansas Animator Program, and I am so excited to announce the big news we just found out! 

*drumroll please*

We have been selected as a grantee by the Movement Voter Project! 


This is HUGE for the Kansas Animator Network. We will now be able to expand our cohorts, and even be able to employ part time Animators year-round all across the state. These cohorts and Animators will be learning and employing Asset Based Community Development within their communities. They will be given the tools to find the things in their communities that excite them and help to grow those and share them with the world. 

The Movement Voter Project is an organization that works to strengthen local community-based organizations in key states. Kansas has been targeted by their Western Rural and Plains States Project, and they will be providing targeted support to our state. We are so excited to have their support, and can’t wait to see the positive role this plays in the Kansas Animator Network!
