52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 5

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Neighboring Tip of the Week - Offer to help a neighbor with a spring project.

Hello friends!

The Spring Equinox approaches, and with it, spring projects! Now that the temperatures are warming, neighbors are generally starting to come outside, and hang around outside, so much more. With this outdoor activity comes outdoor projects, and that’s what this neighboring tip is all about!

So, this week, our tip is pretty simple: If you are in conversation with a neighbor, and they mention that they are about to do some sort of spring project, we propose that you offer to help them with that spring project. Now, of course, as we continue to live in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, please only make this offer if you can help your neighbor with their project in a way that is extremely mindful of their safety and also in accordance with both you and your neighbor’s coronavirus boundaries. It is likely that your neighbor is not in your covid “circle”, or group of people whom you and your household have chosen to be in community with without physical distancing. If this is the case, we ask that you offer to help with the project in a way that allows for physical distancing. Again, here, we would recommend naming your coronavirus boundaries with your neighbor upfront, so they know exactly what you are and are not comfortable with. Of course, we also ask that you inquire of your neighbor about their boundaries in order to also ensure that they feel comfortable with the chosen interactions. The nice thing about spring projects is that they are often outside, which provides fresh air and also hopefully good space in which you both can spread out. As a final covid-related note, we would also encourage you to mask up in the midst of this work! The mask is another easy way to ensure that your neighbor has as little potential exposure to coronavirus as possible.

In general, asking to help a neighbor with a spring project is such a fantastic way to neighbor. The gesture is incredibly kind and sure to be appreciated by your neighbor, and it’s super helpful! Many hands make light work, as the saying goes, and hopefully by helping your neighbor, the project is less stressful or time consuming. Also, working together with a neighbor on a spring project provides the perfect space to get to know one another more! Hopefully, the project gives you lots of time to chat with your neighbor, while also providing a great activity to center the conversation around: the spring project!

Kristopher on our Neighboring Movement team has been the recipient of a neighbor asking to help with a spring project. Shortly after a new family moved onto the block, Kristopher’s family was replacing their back deck, and in the midst of engaging in conversation with the new family, one of the family members offered to help on the deck. A few moments later, the neighbor walked around the side of Kristopher’s family’s house with a drill and some other tools, and together, they all replaced the back deck. “It was such a beautiful gesture, and we had just met!”, exclaims Kristopher. “It was so fun to all work together, and we got to know our new neighbor so much more!”

Happy neighboring!