52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 15

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Neighboring Tip of the Week - Reflect on the neighboring experiments you’ve attempted in the last few months.

Every few months, we like to stop and reflect upon our neighboring experiments. Doing so helps us celebrate and grieve these experiences, and it also helps us move forward in a way that allows our past experiments to shape our future ones. Have you attempted any neighboring experiments in the last few months? If not, we understand, and now you have the opportunity to reflect upon if you feel energized to experiment with any in the next few months! If so, that’s awesome, and now you have the opportunity to reflect upon what those experiences were like! Remember, even if any of your experiments feel like failures, you can still learn so much from them! “The greatest teacher, failure is.” - Jedi Master Yoda

Here are some of our tips for neighboring experiments from the last few months:

  1. Ask your neighbors for their contact information.

  2. Check in with your neighbors.

  3. Research and remain informed about coronavirus.

  4. Plant a garden in your FRONT yard.

  5. Engage in an online conversation with a neighbor, or neighbors, in a positive way.

  6. Engage in an in-person interaction with a neighbor, or neighbors, while practicing physical distancing.

  7. Throw a distanced block party with your neighbors.

  8. Go for a walk around your neighborhood.

  9. Check in again with your neighbors.

If you haven’t attempted any neighboring experiments in the last few months...

  • Do you feel energized to experiment with any of these tips in the next few months?

  • Is there a neighboring experiment that is not on this list that you would like to attempt?

If you have attempted neighboring experiments in the last few months...

  • How do you think the experiment(s) went?

  • How did the experiment(s) make you feel?

  • What experiences are you celebrating?

  • What experiences are you grieving?

  • How might you modify your experiment(s) in the future?

  • As you look over the list, are there any other tips you want to experiment with in the next few months now that you may have built more trust with your neighbors?

  • Is there a neighboring experiment that is not on this list that you would like to attempt?

Happy reflecting!