The Gappers, Our Coronavirus Response (Part 2)

We're back with another episode on the gappers! Our newest project is taking off, so this week, hosts Adam and Matt sit down to discuss the project a bit more. Tune in to learn more!

Two weeks ago, we introduced this new project on our podcast with an episode titled "The Gappers, Our Coronavirus Response". If you have not yet had a chance to listen to that episode, we would highly recommend doing so before listening to this one! In this episode, Adam and Matt expand more upon the project and use a metaphor in order to describe what we mean by "the gap".

Basically, at the Neighboring Movement, we don't want to go back to pre-coronavirus normal. Because we can do so much better than that! We believe a new normal is coming and that everyone on the planet has the opportunity to work together in order to create this new normal. So, we started the gappers! The gappers is an experimental community of people who are simply longing for a new normal and willing to work towards that new normal. This community gathers and shares stories and tips around this gapping work in order to encourage one another and learn from one another. Are you a gapper, and would you like to take part in this community? If so, that's awesome, and you can click here in order to learn more about the gappers and sign up! We also have a gappers Facebook page that you can join by clicking here.

Go forth and stand in the gap between what is coming and what has been!