Krissy Matthaei with Ashley Barlow-Thompson: Setting Boundaries with Neighbor Kids

Welcome back to The Neighbor Next Door! Today, host Adam is honored to sit down on the virtual front porch with Krissy Matthaei and Ashley Barlow-Thompson in order to talk about setting boundaries with neighbor kids.

It is an honor to welcome Krissy Matthaei to the virtual front porch! Krissy is a supermom and a gifted educator. With two kids of her own and twenty years of teaching experience in the Wichita area, Krissy possesses an incredible amount of knowledge around fostering relationships with young people. Krissy is also joined by Adam's wife, Ashley Barlow-Thompson, and it is always a joy to have Ashley on the front porch! Together, the two friends and moms tag team in sharing stories and tips around what setting boundaries with neighbor kids looks like.

Recently, a new family with kids moved in a couple houses down from the Barlow-Thompsons. While this was super exciting, and Prescott, Ashley and Adam's son, was super pumped to have neighbor kids to play with, it was also a bit nerve-wracking for Ashley and Adam as they started thinking about the boundaries they would have to set. So, they called up their friend Krissy for advice! This conversation details the story and the advice that Krissy gave them and would give other families.