Joy Keeps Leading

Yesterday was a restful day after a long, busy week. As we sat in the front yard enjoying the warm April sun, Adam’s son, Prescott rode up on his bicycle and asked if we wanted to go for a bike ride. He learned to ride his bike a few weeks ago, and he has gotten really good, and really fast, in a short period of time. I was happy to say yes!

But there were 2 important twists in this story:

  1. Prescott didn’t want to just ride bikes. He wanted to bike down to the adjacent, empty, lots and play Bicycle-Hide-and-Seek. This means one person is “it” and counts to 20, while everyone else hides. Then you all bike around the empty lots chasing each other.

  2. Oh yea, also, this isn’t just a normal Sunday afternoon. We are living in the days of COVID-19. The result: we could still play the game, but we had to maintain a 6+ foot physical distance.

What happened when we put all that together? We had a great time! We got some good exercise! And we laughed a lot!

There is a lot of bad news these days, but there are also glimmers of gold. In the midst of everything that is happening, I want to pay particular attention to the joyful moments. They help me envision a future to move toward. I want my future to include bike rides, games, laughter, AND neighbors.