52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 5

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Neighboring Tip of the Week - The Neighboring Movement and COVID-19.

Greetings, friends!

We have decided to post this week’s neighboring tip early in light of COVID-19. People have been asking us, “What is the Neighboring Movement’s position on the pandemic?” Here are a few of our thoughts…

  1. Know that whatever neighboring you have done thus far is not only awesome but also extremely important during this time! Good neighbors strengthen the social fabric of their neighborhoods, and strong social fabric is incredibly important when neighborhoods face external threats such as natural disasters, developers with plans of gentrification, and...pandemics.

  2. Follow reliable sources. We realize that so many comments and posts are flying around, and we think many of these are spreading not only fear but also false information. We would suggest following the CDC, as they are continually putting out the most up-to-date tips and information.

  3. Check out this post on Nextdoor. The post itself has helpful information, and Nextdoor is a potentially helpful resource to connect with neighbors. If you have not yet signed up on Nextdoor, we suggest doing so by going to their website

  4. If you have phone numbers and emails for your immediate neighbors, we encourage you to start checking in with them. Perhaps a phone message or text looks like this:

    “Hey neighbor! With all the coronavirus concern going around, I wanted to check in with you. How are you feeling? I am feeling fine and dandy! I think we should touch base periodically and just stay on the same page. Please let me know if there is anything I can help with!”

  5. Stay tuned. We want to be good neighbors, and we also don’t want to spread COVID-19 - AND, we believe we can do that! So, we are coming up with practical ways to continue fostering relationships with our neighbors while also being mindful of the virus. Over the next few weeks, we plan to release tips on simple ways to neighbor in the midst of the pandemic, and we hope these prove helpful and encouraging for us all.

Happy neighboring! (Now, go wash your hands…)