52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 3

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Neighboring Tip of the Week - Send a thank-you note to your city councilperson.

Happy March, all!

While this tip may not involve contact with one of your literal neighbors, it does involve contact with someone whose work impacts your literal neighbors, and we think it’s just good to do!

When getting started experimenting with this tip, you can usually find your city councilperson’s contact information on your city’s website. If not, you can call your city office and ask. Then, once you have this information, you can write your note! In doing so, we ask that you be both kind and genuine. It would be great if you can identify a specific action your councilperson has taken that you are grateful for, but if you can’t do this, we would suggest simply thanking them for their service. 

We think a city council position is often one of the most underappreciated positions in civic government, and your note of gratitude is sure to surprise and refresh someone in a tough job. When addressed personally, the note also creates a positive, personal connection. Now you know your councilperson’s name, and they know yours! Writing a thank-you note is also beneficial for you! Whether or not you’re pleased with the work your city is doing in your neighborhood, writing a note of gratitude will help nurture an attitude of thankfulness.

As an additional bit of information, most city council members have a social media presence. This medium is also a great way to keep in touch with your councilperson and learn about what they are doing. If you use any social media platform, we suggest taking the opportunity to search for your councilperson, and if they have an account, “friend” or “follow” them!

Your city councilperson is working for the good of your city, district, AND neighborhood. As neighbors, let’s take the opportunity to give them the gratitude that they deserve.

Happy neighboring!