52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 40

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Neighboring Tip of the Week - Continue to research and remain informed about coronavirus.

Happy Sunday to you, friend! We hope this email finds you healthy and well.

This week, we are again repeating a neighboring tip that we have been presenting every few months. As coronavirus cases spike upward again around the world, this tip feels more important than ever. This week, we encourage you to continue to research and remain informed about coronavirus. “How is this a neighboring tip?”, you may ask. This is a neighboring tip because what we know about coronavirus will help shape our conversations and interactions with neighbors.

As you are probably well aware, the extent of the spread of coronavirus, knowledge about the virus itself, and advice from medical professionals on good pandemic practices are all subjects that are changing very rapidly. Every day, we learn something new about the virus and how to be healthy, and help others be healthy, in the midst of this pandemic. Because this is the case, we believe it is incredibly important to remain updated on the most recent coronavirus information, as things that are a good idea one day might not be a good idea the next. So, this week, we would highly encourage you to do some research on coronavirus. Even if you have done so already, we would suggest doing even more, and perhaps more importantly, we would also highly encourage you to be intentional about continuing to research over the following weeks and months, so you can continue to be informed in the midst of these ever-changing times. Along with this, we know there is a lot of information out there, and it can be hard to know what’s reliable. We would continue to suggest following the CDC, as they are continually putting out the most up-to-date tips and information.

We know doing this research can be sobering, and we get it. It’s not fun to learn about the rising number of cases worldwide. But unless we all do our part in continuing to remain informed about the virus and then allowing that information to influence how we live our lives on a daily basis, those cases will probably continue to rise. We don’t mean to sound morbid; in reality, at the Neighboring Movement, we are all incredibly hopeful for the future and there is so much that is encouraging us! We just also believe that it is of the utmost importance that we all remain informed so that we can take action that helps us all, our neighbors and ourselves, be healthy. All it takes is a little bit of research. A little bit of research will teach us a lot about the virus. Then, what we learn about the virus will help us modify how we interact with our neighbors. And finally, these modified interactions will help us be good neighbors while also helping all of us, our neighbors and ourselves, be healthy and have as little exposure to coronavirus as possible.

Let’s continue to do our research. Let’s continue to trust our medical experts who are looking out for our well-being. Let’s continue to make the changes in our daily interactions and routines that they advise. Let’s continue to help our neighbors and ourselves be healthy.

Happy neighboring!