Join our Community Call!

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Save the Date!
Neighboring Movement Community Call
November 17, 10:30am, CST


We are the Neighboring Movement.

All of us. All of us, together.

Starting Tuesday, November 17, at 10:30am CST, we will begin hosting quarterly Neighboring Movement Community Calls with everyone in our network. Our hope for these calls is that all of us may continue to nurture this growing movement! During the calls, we will do some networking, share new things we are learning, and also share community practices that each of us can experiment with before returning to the following calls. Are you in? This email is just a "Save The Date", so make sure you save the date! Tuesday, November 17, at 10:30am CST. We will conduct the calls via Zoom, so stay tuned for the Zoom link and further details. We hope to see you there!

We know that energy is generated when people simply gather together, so we are so beyond excited to see where these calls might lead, what momentum might be generated, and the beautiful work we can all embody in the world! Until we gather on the 17th, happy neighboring!

Have a great week!
The Neighboring Movement Team