It's in scraping ice and Super Bowl conversations...


On the most recent episode of our podcast, one topic that kept coming up is how neighboring is often in the seemingly small things. How things like little waves or short conversations, while seemingly insignificant sometimes, have a profound impact upon our relationships with neighbors, and our neighborhoods, over time.

Today, I have been thinking about the joy I experience on a daily basis from those seemingly small things. How every single one of them has a profound impact upon my every day!

This morning was a bit frosty down in SoCe, and as I was finishing up scraping ice off the windshield, my next-door neighbor Mark came out to feed his cats. We both were engaging in activities that are completely normal for each of us, but because we have fostered a relationship with one another, these routine activities were now something much more. Mark went from simply feeding his cats to feeding his cats AND talking about this Sunday’s Super Bowl along with how much he wants the Chiefs to win. I went from simply scraping ice to scraping ice AND laughing at Mark’s many jokes on top of learning more about football. And let me tell you, scraping ice is so much more fun that way! In the midst of routine activities, we got to know one another more, and we got to laugh together, too! Isn’t that a beautiful thing?!

I am blessed to be Mark’s neighbor, and this morning was a beautiful reminder to me that neighboring is often in those seemingly small things. It’s in scraping ice and Super Bowl conversations…