52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 20

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Neighboring Tip of the Week - Host Flamingo Friday on your block or in your apartment complex.

Flamingo Friday is a tradition we heard about through the grapevine as we’ve learned neighboring strategies from others. Here’s how it works:

Simply place a few plastic yard flamingos in your front yard on Monday. If this is your very first Flamingo Friday, we also suggest delivering a paper invitation to your neighbors explaining that you will be hosting Flamingo Friday, a front-yard get-together on Friday evening. If you live in an apartment complex, you may need to reserve a community room or common area in advance. After your first Flamingo Friday, the flamingos will signal to your neighborhood that you will be hosting the get-together that week. On Friday, whoever is interested is welcome to show up in the evening to socialize. After the first gathering, there will be no need for paper invitations or door knocking, just put the flamingos out!

With Flamingo Fridays, the specifics are up to you. The get-togethers can include music, lawn games, a fire pit, a cookout, a potluck meal, or a cornhole tournament. Whatever your Flamingo Friday protocol is, make sure to let your neighbors know, so they know what to bring on Friday and what to provide if they choose to host in the future. Break out some music and maybe a few lawn games, and let the party begin!

There are two keys to Flamingo Fridays. First, they are an organic type of family-friendly block party that requires minimal preparation and is easy to repeat. Keep it simple! Second, the goal of Flamingo Fridays is to establish a tone of welcome in your neighborhood. This welcoming posture is the perfect place for neighboring to begin.

As you spread the Flamingo Friday fever around your neighborhood or apartment complex, snap a picture of the fun at your Flamingo Friday! We love hearing the stories of your neighboring experiments, so keep them coming. They always encourage and inspire us.

Happy neighboring!