52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 7

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Neighboring Tip of the Week - Support a local business that is something other than a restaurant (don't worry, we'll focus on restaurants another time).

Good day, friends!

This week’s neighboring tip is one we have looked forward to exploring for a long time. But, before we jump right in, here are a couple notes to be mindful of:

First, we want to specify that for this particular tip, we encourage supporting businesses that are not restaurants. Fear not! This is not a restaurant boycott. In the near future, we have a new tip that involves restaurants specifically, but we don't want to leave out other types of businesses in our neighboring.

Second, don’t overthink this one! The next time you are about to go shopping for any particular item(s), consider if the item(s) might be available within your neighborhood and then shop at those places instead.

We think that one awesome way to strengthen your neighborhood is to support your neighborhood businesses. Now, of course, your support of these businesses can take shape in many different ways, but one of these ways is to simply shop at one of them. When you choose to shop at one of your neighborhood businesses, there is a multitude of benefits. First, there is the benefit of revenue for the business where you shop. But that revenue doesn't stop there! Another benefit is that locally owned businesses tend to keep more money in your community. And beyond finances, there is the power of connections. As you shop local, seek to learn the story behind the business. Is it family owned? Did the owner have a dream of being self-employed? Are there other ways they are connected to the neighborhood or community? Our experience is that as we learn people's stories, it is easier to connect them with other things happening in the community, it is easier to promote that business (because people are compelled by stories), and knowing their story often fosters our own love for our neighborhood. With all those benefits, how can we not shop local?

Happy neighboring!