The Re-Cycle at Grace Winfield

Some of the group discussing and dreaming about their mini-experiments.

Some of the group discussing and dreaming about their mini-experiments.

One of the first churches to partner with us in the importance of being a good neighbor was Grace United Methodist Church in Winfield, Kansas. And so it seems appropriate that they are one of the first churches to utilize our group-decision-making process, which we call The Re-Cycle. The Re-Cycle is what we have used as an organization for the last few years to make decisions and we finally decided to name it and share it.

The blue chart represents things that happened in 2018. The post-it notes on the left are areas that are draining or grief, but on the right are the areas of celebration. Notice how many more celebrations there are!

The blue chart represents things that happened in 2018. The post-it notes on the left are areas that are draining or grief, but on the right are the areas of celebration. Notice how many more celebrations there are!

So on Sunday afternoon, Adam and I spent a few hours with 25 folks from Grace UMC. Together they named areas where they are feeling energized (lots to celebrate there) and areas where they are feeling drained or disappointed. We talked about their character and values as a congregation. And they finished by mini-experiments they were willing to take based on everything that had been shared. The mini-experiments that were named were deeply moving!

I’m thankful for the folks at Grace Winfield and Pastor Lora’s invitation for us to join them in their work.