52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 52

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Neighboring Tip of the Week - Happy Week 52! Let’s celebrate! Reflect on the neighboring experiments you’ve attempted, and share your stories on one of our 52 Weeks of Neighboring platforms (our website, email, or Facebook page).

We can hardly believe it has already been two years since we embarked on this 52 Weeks of Neighboring journey, and we are delighted by the growing number of folks, like you, who are joining the neighboring movement. This is why we wish to celebrate!

We recognize that some of you have been taking part in 52 Weeks of Neighboring since Year 1, Week 1, while some of you have been taking part since Year 2, Week 51. Whichever the case may be, we suspect you have stories to share, and we want to give you the opportunity to share them! So, on this Week 52, we encourage you to reflect on the neighboring experiments you’ve attempted and share your stories on one of our 52 Weeks of Neighboring platforms (our website, email, or Facebook page).

We want to hear all about your experiences, and we know others do, too! If you have a longer story to share, feel free to email this to us as opposed to posting on the website or Facebook. If you e-mail us, we will post your story as a Reflection blog, which also means your story can be anonymous if you wish, so just let us know.

We are so very excited to hear your stories, so send them on down! And don't worry, 52 Weeks of Neighboring isn't going away. Stay tuned!

Happy neighboring!