52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 38

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Neighboring Tip of the Week - Create a list of neighbors’ gifts that you are thankful for.

Happy November, all!

This week, we present a simple tip: Create a list of neighbors’ gifts that you are thankful for. Like some of our other tips, this is a practice you can experiment with without ever leaving your home - a practice that can come in handy now that the weather is getting a bit colder! We think that part of neighboring is simply noticing what is happening in your neighborhood. This tip creates space for you to take a step back and think about the various gifts of your neighbors, and we think writing these gifts down is a fantastic way to be intentional about both noticing them and remembering them. In addition, we think experimenting with this tip will help foster thankfulness in both ourselves and our neighborhoods! It can be easy to get caught up in our daily schedules and forget about the various gifts that our neighbors possess and that make our neighborhoods a better place. This week’s tip is all about recognizing and naming those gifts, and we think that this practice will help us to start noticing the gifts of our neighbors more and more, and in the midst of this, become more and more thankful for those very gifts.

Happy neighboring!