52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 50

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Neighboring Tip of the Week - Host a Super Bowl party.

Greetings friends! Can you believe February is already almost upon us? We hope writing “2019” on documents has become somewhat easier at this point….

This week, we’re thinking about the practices of good neighboring that are very simple. As Matt once said, “Part of neighboring is just finding fun ways to bring people together.” We think this couldn’t be more true, and during this time of year, what better way to bring people together than to do so around a sporting event? So this week, we propose: Host a Super Bowl party.

The Super Bowl is right around the corner, and of course, these parties are already popular to attend. We recognize that certain people enjoy watching particular events or sports more than others, so if the Super Bowl isn’t up your alley, you can always throw an entirely different party, such as one for the Daytona 500 or March Madness. Remember, this tip is your own experiment. These parties can be as simple or as complex as you would like; they are simply a reason to gather together. Along with this, don’t feel obligated to host a party for the entirety of a sporting event. These events are relatively long, so you could host a party for the first half, halftime, or pre-game. Of course, it is important to be mindful of your guests. Be aware that some people just want to come watch a few commercials and eat some yummy food, while others do genuinely desire to watch the particular game or event.  

Enjoy spending time with your neighbors.

Happy neighboring!