52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 49

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Neighboring Tip of the Week - Write down something positive you have noticed about each of your closest neighbors, and be prepared to share it with them the next time you see them.

Happy January 20th! It sure is a beautiful day…

Keeping in mind the cooler weather we have had in the last week, this week's tip will require less time outside. The tip is this: Write down something positive you have noticed about each of your closest neighbors, and be prepared to share it with them the next time you see them. To clarify, by “closest neighbors” we mean the neighbors living in close proximity to you. In terms of numbers, think of the eight houses closest to your house. 

In essence, this tip consists of two separate parts. First, be intentional about noticing, and write down, the good you see in your neighbors. Second, remember these compliments or affirmations and be ready to offer them to your neighbors the next time you see each of them. As with any tip, this may look different for different people. The compliments might take the form of comments in conversation, or they might be written notes. 

Examples could be: "Great Christmas decorations this year!" or "I love your landscaping!" or "Thanks for being the kind of neighbor who keeps an eye on things." Matt and Catherine recently exemplified this tip well. After taking time to be mindful of their neighbors, they both realized how thankful they are that they can always call on a particular neighbor if they need anything fixed. The next time they saw this neighbor, they simply made sure to thank him specifically for this in the midst of their conversation.

Such an action seems so simple, but folks, this is what neighboring is all about!

Happy neighboring!