52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 48

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Neighboring Tip of the Week - Send a thank you note to your neighborhood association or homeowner association leader(s).

This week, we’re thinking about associations already at work within our neighborhoods - neighborhood associations (NAs) or homeowner associations (HOAs). These associations are an important part of the neighborhood, so we propose: Send a thank you note to your neighborhood association or homeowner association leader(s).

NAs and HOAs can play a key role in helping residents know what is happening in their neighborhood, creating space for residents' voices to be heard, celebrating what is good in the neighborhood, and addressing issues. All of this takes time and energy and is often done by volunteers! One way to celebrate this hard work is to send a note to your NA or HOA leader(s) and let them know you both recognize and appreciate their commitment to the neighborhood. Maybe this looks like sending a message or email, or maybe this looks like finding out when the next meeting is and hand delivering a note. Another bonus that comes with attending the meeting? You can then raise your voice to point out the assets already present within the community! Often times, neighbors buy into the narrative that NA and HOA meetings exist solely to address issues within a community, and because of this, these meetings can often turn negative quite quickly. Therefore, your asset-based focus will become an asset to the meeting! Let’s both recognize and appreciate those committed to our neighborhoods and be neighbors of abundance and joy.

Happy neighboring!