The Julian Way

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Neighborhood Animator Interviews

I can't think of anything better than meeting people who want to make their community stronger by focusing on the gifts and relationships within their neighborhood! 

This week we began the process of interviewing for Neighborhood Animators. Our goal is to hire 4 Neighborhood Animators from 4 different neighborhoods. They will learn about Asset-Based Community Development and begin creating an asset map for their neighborhood, sharing the treasures they find with their neighborhood association and neighbors. You can learn more about the Neighborhood Animator Project here

Our interview process was non-conventional (big surprise). We invited a group of applicants to come meet us and each other and learn more about the Neighborhood Animator Project. Then we gave them the task of walking around the neighborhood for a while to just meet people and notice things. Did I mention it was non-conventional? Honestly, we weren't sure it would work. But it did!

We have had wonderful people expressing interest in the Neighborhood Animator Project, and it shined throughout the interview. I've never been at an interview with so much laughter! And all of the applicants did a great job with their neighborhood walk-about. I am more excited than ever for the Neighborhood Animator Project. 

Even more, I am excited about the people we are meeting. It is so easy to focus on what is wrong with our world, but the truth is there are amazing people in our world who are doing great things.