Neighboring Movement by SoCe Life is one of the recipients of a Neighborhood Grant, awarded from some of the proceeds of the sale of the Hyatt Hotel. 

Funding from the grant will enable SoCe Life to hire 4 individuals from 4 different neighborhoods to work part-time for 1 year. We hope to expand the program to additional neighborhoods in the future. The 4 individuals will work as Neighborhood Animators in their own neighborhood, as they learn from and work with the project director as well as other SoCe Life staff.  The primary work of the Neighborhood Animators will be mapping the assets of their neighborhood. Assets include the gifts of individuals, voluntary associations, institutions, physical assets, local businesses, and the history and culture of the neighborhood. These assets will be reported to the neighborhood leadership, and utilized to bring people together.

“I’m excited to see people in different neighborhoods learning the skills that we have been using in our neighborhood.” says Catherine Johnson. “And I’m especially curious to see how Neighborhood Animators will adapt the asset mapping process to best fit their context."

If you live in District 3 in Wichita and are interested in applying for a Neighborhood Animator position, please read the Job Description and submit an application by clicking on the "Learn More" button.