52 Weeks of Neighboring - 5/20

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Neighboring Tip of the Week - Have a spring block party.

Memorial Day Weekend is coming up - it is a perfect time to throw a block party! You may think a gathering like this takes a lot of work and planning, but it doesn’t have to! There are only 3 rules for hosting a block party:

            1. Keep it simple.

            2. Keep it simple.

            3. Keep it simple.

Here are a few ways in which you can achieve simplicity:

·      Host your block party outside. Outdoor block parties are much more inviting for your neighbors because it is easier for them to come and go, as well as play games or strike up an easy conversation. Hosting your block party outside also means you don’t have to clean your house!

·      Break out the grill! Cooking on a grill allows you to cook outside and makes food preparation easier. If you don’t have a grill, find a neighbor that does and ask for their help. Let your neighbors know you’ll have a grill ready and that they can bring food to grill or a side dish to supplement.

·      Don’t reinvent the wheel. If you have a neighbor who is already great at throwing parties, reach out to them and see if they would be willing to co-host a block party! You know the old proverb, ‘it takes a village to raise a neighborhood….’

·      When it comes to inviting people, keep that simple as well. No fancy invitations here - just a handwritten note on a post-it will work. 

To our NeighboringMovement friends in apartment complexes (or even dorms), we have not forgotten about you! If your apartment doesn’t allow for a block party outside, throw one in the hallway!

Finally, a block party is a fantastic way to encounter the abundance in your neighborhood. Every neighbor in your neighborhood has a gift or interest to offer, and a block party is a perfect way to discover these attributes that might otherwise be missed. Even if it’s something as simple as a great salad recipe, a block party is sure to uncover neighborhood treasure!

Happy neighboring!