Closing thoughts from Toronto (for now)


We closed out our time at the ABCD conference with an opportunity for people to share their gifts, as a closing offering. People shared poems, stories, and songs. It was powerful and beautiful. Finally, Al Etmanski sent us forth with this inspiration from the Tragically Hip song "Bobcaygeon" 

It was in Bobcaygeon, I saw the constellations
Reveal themselves, one star at time

I thought, it was in SoCe, I saw the constellations reveal themselves, one star at a time.

It was in my neighborhood, I saw the constellations reveal themselves, one star at a time.

I couldn't help but think of the stars in my neighborhood and how fortunate I am to be a part of their constellation.

Perhaps I will stop describing what I do as Asset-Based Community Development and describe it as Star-Based Constellation Development.