Planting time!

It's that time of year - time to clean out and plant our garden boxes! We are planting the early season crops. One neighbor planted onions and lettuce; another sowed arugula and spinach seeds; and we put in beet, watermelon radish, and  chard seeds at our office this afternoon. We will have some amazing neighborhood salads!

Looking forward to those colorful watermelon radishes!

Looking forward to those colorful watermelon radishes!

We have scheduled a gathering of neighborhood gardeners in a couple of weeks. There are 25 garden boxes distributed throughout SoCe! It is great to bring passionate gardeners together to share seeds, stories, and knowledge with each other. Some folks are new to growing vegetables, while others have been growing food for decades. There are a few families venturing into gardening so that their kids will get to experience the wonder of growing their own food. It is fun for us to be a part of their gardening adventures!