52 Weeks of Neighboring - 3/18

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Neighboring Tip of the Week - Ask a neighbor to help you with a spring project.

Are you ready to spring into Spring? The Spring Equinox is in two days (March 20, to be precise), and now that the temperatures are starting to warm, this week’s tip is well timed!

Since spring is upon us, neighbors will be spending more time outside. Along with much more dog walking, guess what else will be happening...spring projects!

When referring to the use of resources in neighboring, there are two key elements to know. These elements are sharing and borrowing. Sharing involves you sharing something you possess with the community, and borrowing involves you borrowing something that someone else in the community possesses and is willing to share. This week’s tip is a perfect opportunity to practice both sharing and borrowing within your neighborhood.

As with every other neighboring tip, this tip starts with being mindful of the giftedness of others. Each and every single one of your neighbors is gifted! Now, here is the crux of this tip: If a particular neighbor is gifted in, or simply enjoys, a certain activity (woodworking, gardening, painting, etc.), and if you have a correlating spring project, ask them to help you with it! A neighbor helping a neighbor with a spring project is a beautiful picture of both sharing and borrowing.

Of course, be mindful of your neighbor’s time and effort. Don’t ask them to single-handedly paint your entire house or anything ridiculous like that. Ideally, you can both work together on your project and share the workload, while each of you gets to utilize your various gifts. Furthermore, outdoor projects are even more ideal because your neighbor can come and go, you both can enjoy the weather, and you both can be with your other neighbors!

Enjoy entering Spring with a spring in your step, and enjoy your spring project with a neighbor!

Happy neighboring!