52 Weeks of Neighboring - 2/4

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Neighboring Tip of the Week – Take a Valentine to each of the neighbors on your block or floor.

Happy February! Valentines Day is right around the corner, so this week, we propose a simple tip, and we bet you can’t guess what it is…Take a Valentine to each of the neighbors on your block or floor!

Of course, these Valentines may look however you wish. Whether they be homemade Valentines, store-bought Valentines, or a plate of Valentines cookies, your neighbors will love them. This is a very family friendly activity. Maybe your children can write each Valentine, and then you can deliver them together as a family. Another possibility may be to propose this as a fun activity for a get-together with friends or family, allowing the entire group to create and deliver the Valentines together.

Delivering Valentines is a simple way to promote neighborliness in your neighborhood. Each one helps to create a positive, welcoming spirit on your block, and they are perfect conversation starters!

Happy neighboring!