52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 45

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Neighboring Tip of the Week - Text, call, or visit a neighbor who seems isolated and may be experiencing loneliness during the holiday season.

Merry Christmas! We’ve been talking about Christmas for a long time, and now we can hardly believe it’s already here! Neighboring Movement hopes this tip finds you full of joy.

We recognize that today may be a very busy day for you, your family, and your neighbors, so we will keep this tip short. Here is what we propose: Text, call, or visit a neighbor who seems isolated and may be experiencing loneliness during the holiday season. While this time of year is filled with festivities, it may also present feelings of isolation or loss for many people. Many are not able to visit family or friends over the holidays for a variety of reasons. For others, the holidays bring feelings of grief over loved ones who have passed on. Do you know of a neighbor who may be experiencing any of these feelings? Let’s commit to eradicating loneliness by being mindful of our neighbors. The Christmas season is a season of joy, and by simply taking the time to text, call, or visit a neighbor, you can both spread this joy and foster community.

Merry Christmas, and happy neighboring!