Christmas Cookie Party!


A few weeks ago the neighboring tip was to host a Christmas Cookie Party. Now, I will confess, I haven’t done all of the neighboring tips. But Catherine and I have done this one. In fact, this year was our second Christmas Cookie Party—and we had a blast! We invited neighbors and friends and had a great response.


As the years roll by and we get to share these times with neighbors again and again I am amazed at how much richer my life is because of my friendships with my neighbors. We don’t necessarily see each other on a regular basis, but to get together over cookies and catch up on life, to share stories and laugh—is such a gift.


We do try to keep things simple, so we invited folks early in the week when the weather was warm. Then we did all of our baking on Saturday morning. And then opened the front door and welcomed folks in. I’m already ready for next year!