52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 42

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Neighboring Tip of the Week - Host a Christmas Cookie Party.

December is upon us! We realize schedules are getting crazier, so in light of this, we will attempt to keep December’s blogs short and sweet. Sweet, kind of like the content of this week’s tip…

Cookies! Arguably one of humanity's most notable inventions. Okay, maybe not, but we still love them! This week, we invite you to host a Christmas Cookie Party. What is a Christmas Cookie Party (or CCP)? A CCP is anything you want it to be! This does not have to be an extravagant event. You can bake cookies, buy cookies, decorate cookies, or anything else you may dream up (though Matt says you get extra credit for baking the cookies yourself). The party can be come-and-go style, which takes the pressure off those who may not want to stay for very long. You may also want to incorporate an additional activity, such as a puzzle or games. This can help others feel more comfortable. We think it is a fantastic idea to deliver paper invitations for this event. Include your name to help neighbors who may not already know your name to learn it! Finally, if you find yourself with leftover cookies, who better to take them to than your neighbors? Some of your neighbors may not be able to attend due to health reasons or other commitments, but we think taking them a plate of cookies would be an excellent way to follow up and wish them a Merry Christmas.

Happy neighboring!