Summit Youth Academy: Mural Painting Workshop

Photos by Britt Bradley and the amazing Isaac Chua

Photos by Britt Bradley and the amazing Isaac Chua

When the Summit Youth Academy came to SoCe last week, one of the 6 workshops offered was to help paint a mural. With our wonderful SoCe garden box artists (Casey and Erica) as directors, our neighbor, Susan, received a beautiful mural on her fence. Erica and Casey designed the mural with input from Susan and then drew an outline on the fence in advance. The students participating in the Summit had the task of making the mural come to life and they were up for the challenge! Look at the intensity on those faces!

Photos by Britt Bradley and the amazing Isaac Chua

Photos by Britt Bradley and the amazing Isaac Chua

After 3 workshop rotations, the mural was not quite finished. Erica and Casey will finish it over the next few weeks. We will post a final picture so you can see the finished product.