52 Weeks of Neighboring - 6/4

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Tip of the Week – Host a yard sale and learn a little bit about each neighbor who comes.

This time of year, yard sales are popping up everywhere. Host your own and use the opportunity to connect with your neighbors.

Having a yard or garage sale is a natural way to meet people in your neighborhood, no door knocking required. While clearing out your clutter and making some extra money are both great bonuses to hosting a yard sale, make the goal of your sale to connect with your neighbors. When we simply live in proximity to our neighbors, it is easy to forget that they’re people with experiences, gifts, and talents to share with us if we have the time and interest to listen.

With neighboring in mind, here are some questions you could ask when people stop by your sale: “How long have you lived in the neighborhood?” “What brought you here?” Where did you live before?” These are basic questions that can help create connections and that people rarely mind answering.

Before you host your yard sale, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure to acquire a permit if your city requires one. This can usually be done through your city’s website.
  • Advertise along your block so your neighbors are aware of your sale and can plan ahead.
  • Consider hosting with a neighbor. 2 is better than 1. Not only will your sale have more options and variety for your guests, hosting with a neighbor is a great way to get to know them better and partner in a common goal. It also makes a yard sale run much smoother if there is more than one host, especially if you’re actively trying to connect with your neighbors.

So break out the boxes in the attic and some price stickers – you’ve got neighboring to do!

Happy neighboring!