52 Weeks of Neighboring - 6/11

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Tip of the Week – Share produce or flowers from your garden.

As summer hits full steam, gardens can reach their pinnacle of production. Whether you grow produce or flowers, consider using your abundance as an opportunity to neighbor. Clip whatever you have extra of – cucumbers, coriander, or catmint – and head to a neighbor’s house! Be ready for your neighbor to return the favor and offer something to share with you.

When we share out of our own abundance, it opens a space for kindness and trust to be established – two neighboring essentials.

Our intern, AJ, has recently taken up the hobby of growing succulents – a hard to kill house-plant. Many plants can be regrown, so if you’re familiar with propagating techniques for your plant, let your neighbor know so they can grow their own. AJ has been working on growing new succulents from her existing ones and turned it into her own neighboring experiment. She grabbed a teacup from a thrift store and delivered these baby plants to a neighbor. Check them out!

Happy neighboring!