52 Weeks of Neighboring

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Tip of the Week – Send a thank-you note to your City Councilperson

This week’s tip doesn’t involve direct contact with your next-door neighbor, but we still think it’s a really important neighboring step.

Here is how to get started:

  • You can usually find your city councilperson’s contact information on your city’s website. If not, call your city office and ask.
  • Be kind; be genuine. It would be great if you can identify a specific action your councilperson has taken that you are grateful for, but if you can’t do that, thank them for their time.

Here are a few possible benefits from this action:

First, a city council position is often one of the most underappreciated positions in civic government. Your random note of gratitude is sure to surprise and refresh someone in a tough job.

Second, writing a thank you note is also beneficial for you! Whether or not you’re pleased with the work your city is doing in your neighborhood, writing a kind note of gratitude will help nurture an attitude of thankfulness.

Finally, this tip creates a personal, positive connection. Make sure you address your note to someone personally. Now you know your city councilperson’s name and they know yours. The next time you have a concern or suggestion, you’ll have a positive channel of communication to work through because of your thank you note.

Want to let your social media followers know about your neighboring experiment? Post your thank-you note on Facebook or Twitter. Friend or follow your city councilperson and be sure to tag them in your post. Don’t forget to add #neighboringmovement

Happy neighboring!