52 Weeks of Neighboring - 3/12

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Tip of the Week - Take your dog for a walk or ask a neighbor who walks about their dog.

Welcome to 52 Weeks of Neighboring, canine edition.

Our furry friends make great conversation starters, so they’re perfect for neighboring! If you have a dog, take your pup out for a nice, easy walk. Set an intention to make yourself present to the neighborhood around you. Hopefully with the nice weather, folks will be outside. Make an effort to strike up a conversation with those you come in contact with. Keep in mind that some of your neighbors may have had bad pet experiences, so be cautious if someone seems especially wary of dogs. If you know of a neighbor who regularly walks their dog, invite them to walk with you! Going out for a walk on a nice day is a great way to get to know your neighbor better.

Don’t have a dog? That’s okay! This neighboring tip is for you too. Have you noticed a neighbor who regularly walks their dog? Make time to ask them about their furry friend. Pets are great companions and people often love to talk about them. If you’ve gotten to know a neighbor by doing this, consider picking up a small bag of dog treats and ask if you can give some to the dog next time your neighbor is on a walk. That way, you not only build a friendship with your neighbor, but also with their dog!

We’d love to hear how your dog-facilitated conversations went. Let us know on Facebook or Twitter! #neighboringmovement

Happy neighboring!