The Founding of the SoCe Folk Music Society

Over the last year as we’ve met neighbors and asked what they like to do, we discovered several neighbors who said they play musical instruments and sing. Naturally, I was excited about that, but it has taken us a while to get something put together, but that all changed Tuesday night! 

The SoCe Folk Music Society (affectionately named by our friend Stephanie) had its first ever gathering at the Legacy House. Several people brought instruments to play and share, we passed out some “Rise Up Singing” songbooks and called out our favorites ranging from bluegrass, folk, pop, and spirituals. We even got to hear some original music. It was a joyful gathering! And best of all, it brought together neighbors who hadn't met before. 

Stay tuned (get it? Instruments...stay tuned?) there will be another assembly of the SoCe Folk Music Society in February--if you are in the area, grab an instrument and come on down!